WELCOME TO WHAT COULD BE A NEW OLYMPIC EVENT Tonight the drama factor was down a bit on the Olympics. Part of the problem is that we can only get the German coverage, which means that if you don't care only about German athletes and you only had one semester of German back in 1966, you are not going to be sitting on the edge of your seat. But then I heard it: the sound of either an enormous piece of agricultural equipment or a dangerous bit of Umbrian fauna. Since it was in the kitchen, it had to be the latter. In such an emergency, I tend to run the other way, close the bedroom door so as not to have the thing land in my room, and hope that it stays downstairs and disappears over night. There is, however, another solution:I can tell someone more courageous than I about the problem. All Olympic events pale in the face of my fearless daughter-in-law going up against a HUGE deadly hornet--the kind that regularly sends Umbrians to the hospital--with a frying p...